Side Projects

Neon Grid Defenders


A tower defence passion project game that I am planning to publish on steam as an indie developer very soon. The game will be a classic TD with some procedural generation to allow replayability and feeling of accomplishment for complement hard levels. The game is built with Unity3D. I've tried to optimize the game as much as possible to eventually release it on mobille as well.



This is an indie project done for a 7 day game-jam competition. Written entirely in C# via Unity3D. You control a particle and you destroy other particles. Some of them try to destroy you instead by either chasing/ramming or shooting you. It is a quick arcade-type game in which you have to get a high-score by collecting all the non-destrucive particles. As the game progresses the colors change makingg the player memorize what colors are the enemy to know which of the new colors is now the destructive one.



Small demo project from which I learned how to develop a competent AI opponent. It is based on a Monte Carlo tree search algorithm with a couple of difficulties. The higher the difficulty the more games the AI simulates before each move
