

One of the most frequent IDEs that I use. I am very comfortable working with it and learning new information and techniques will be a challenge I am looking forward to take.


During my software development career, I've had to learn a lot of languages. Some of them I've only used once or twice and some of them I'm using very frequently. Because of this I feel comfortable saying that I am a very fast learner of new programming languages. I have the most experience with C#

Team work & project management

In my University education I was tasked with many group projects. From then I've learned a lot about version control, communication and collaboration. I am a very relaxed and easy going person whether working in a group or alone.

Personal Growth

Whether I am working for a job or just spending some free time alone I am always trying to learn something new and keep up to date with trending technologies.I have an affinity for learning and strive to improve each day.